Monday, August 16, 2010

Costumes Womens - How to Make a Traditional Gypsy Dress |

Bohemian Babe or Gypsy Costume - Gypsy Costumes

Even if you don't know a Romni (married Gypsy woman) from a diklo (the colorful cloth gypsy women wear on their heads), making an authentic Gypsy dress will be as much fun to create as it will be to wear --- just as long as you've the sewing skills to follow some simple directions. Traditional gypsy garments are dramatic, traffic-stopping and sexy, so follow your inner colorist to make the finished product as vivid as the real thing. Stick to fabric and lines that best fit your body because there are several types of gypsy outfits that match the lines of the authentic, Old World outfits. But don't let the idea of being so true to detail that you accidentally substitute your shears for a scimitar (knife-like weapon) or even your best friends will tell you that you've gone too far.

For more costume ideas, check out

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